
I can offer advice.

Tone of voice

Do you need guidance and direction in establishing a brand and tone of voice for your business, a narrative to describe who you are and what you do (and why!) or a copywriting workshop? 

I can help you turn setbacks into jetpacks. 

Are you a start-up, thinking about how to get your look and feel off the ground, but not really knowing where to start?

Let’s get together and start working up some ideas. 

We can take a step back, take stock, re-evaluate what you do, and accelerate at speed towards a style that fits with your brand, and a portfolio of marketing communications collateral that lets your brand values sing. 

Strategy development 

If you need a content or marketing communications strategy, we can look closely at what you do – and work out the best way to tell the world. 

Setting out what you need to say, and when you need to say it, we’ll devise a campaign that you can push through your channels to create the best impact. 

Our action plan will have in-built insight, appeal, and evaluation tools – and most importantly, our creativity will help your audience think, feel and act. 

Internal employee engagement campaigns 

Devising and delivering internal engagement campaigns for employees is something I’ve worked on for some of the world’s leading brands, including BT, BP, and Anglo American.

Whether that’s implementing major organisational change, an incentive scheme or awards initiative, or a change in business process or technologies, this activity always benefits from some fresh insight, new ideas and an objective view. 

If you need an expert to step in, and host small workshops with your team to get the ideas flowing and the conversation going – perhaps for a special campaign or an event – I have broad experience of doing just that for some major companies in the telco and energy sectors, I’d be delighted to help.  

Pinning down ideas, focusing on how we get from A to B, and crystallising your team’s valuable thoughts – these sessions will leave your team empowered and champing at the bit to get their campaign out the door.